Published:2022-10-09 17:34:19    Text Size:【BIG】【MEDIUM】【SMALL







  刘惠楷 578


  The Avenue


    Connecting the school buildings as a unified part, the avenue witnesses the sweet moment that we struggle for our dreams. Walking along the road to and fro, we hear the birds whistling, see the leaves falling, and feel the soft wind blowing. Everything here is wonderful. The treetops reached high above the ground, almost touching the sky. The thin branches swayed easily, translucent green leaves flapping around uncontrollably. Sometimes, when we look up at the sky, it is the sun that warms our hearts. Honestly, the avenues make our mind and body pleasant during the breaks.


 580班 张晨玥






 578班 吴俊奇






 578班  华悦西


  The library


     Whenever you walk into the library, the fresh scent of book and ink hits you. It is incredibly relaxing to find a good book, sit quietly and savour the philosophy in the book. Reading a book is not only a way to gain knowledge, but also a way to find your true self. The library is a really great place to relax after a stressful study life.





The military training


     As freshmen in senior high school, the first big challenge that we have to face bravely is the military training, which is certainly tiring but extremely meaningful. Most of the time, everyone kept standing as straight as trees, without caring about the sweat that slipped down their backs and checks. While the sun was scorching over their heads, with the aim to make the whole classs movements neat, we put our hearts and minds into everyday training. On the last day of training, everyone was moved into tears by the loud military songs with a burning heart full of confidence. It was the military training that taught us perseverance and unity. We will walk into the future firmly and bravely no matter how difficult the road ahead is.













      Since I entered the senior high school, I have found that there are great changes in my study life. On the one hand, the academic knowledge is even more difficult but important. With the increase in academic pressure, I became anxious about my study. However, it is the professional teachers and friendly classmates show great help and kindness to me. I learned the patience and love, which dealt with my anxiety. On the other hand, our knowledge is not just limited to books, but also the knowledge in life, which is worthwhile to learn. Experience makes a man. When you begin to learn from life, everything is a new start. We open the field of vision and see the wisdom in life.









    Senior high is a critical stage that makes teenagers create a healthy personality. Studying in Datong No.1 senior high school, students get overall and personalized development. Adhering to the school running concept of establishing morality and cultivating talents, Datong No.1 senior high school integrates the liberal art and science, giving full play to the advantages of each students. Living here, students build intimate friendship and work in unity and close cooperation.Everyone here is full of hope and confidence, pursuing dreams bravely.


 ——高539班 王越




  The education concept of Datong No.1 Middle School has formed the school running road of "Five Combinations, Five Constructions and Five Educations".


  The "Five Combinations" is the combination of strengthening the construction of teachers and constantly improving the conditions for running schools; The combination of carrying forward the fine tradition of the First Middle School and continuing to deepen reform and carry forward the spirit of pioneering and innovation; We should fully implement the educational policy, and combine all oriented and all-round development with teaching students in accordance with their aptitude and developing students' healthy personality; Take teaching as the center, earnestly implement the teaching routine and actively carry out teaching and research work; Rigorous scholarship, strict school management and strengthening political and ideological work.


  The "five constructions" are: the construction of the leading group; The construction of the teaching staff team with teachers as the main body; Construction of teaching facilities and equipment; Construction of teaching style and learning style; Construction of teaching environment.


  The "five educations" are: educating people  through teaching; Management and education; Service education; Environment educates people; Gather wealth to educate people.


In addition,our school advocates extensive pursuit of all aspects of knowledge, down-to-earth life, the pursuit of truth, kindness and beauty.


                          ——高561班 杨佑慈


      隐性如空气——散发的文化气息沁人心脾。伴随着书声琅琅,我站在学校新建的图书角,我打量着每一本图书,不同的外形有着不同特色,不同的作者用不同方式进行诉说。我陶醉于书海之中,汲取着那些哲人的智慧。我合上书,轻轻把它放回书架,继续探寻学校的文化——摸不着,却又如空气一般无处不在 ,让人神清气爽。


     显性如航标——近年来,学校不乏硬件设施的投入:教学实验室 、舞蹈室、学生发展中心,演运中心……相关教学辅助设施配套齐全 ,相关宣传牌、告示栏也成为学校另外一道别致的风景。我们可以看到“一粥一饭 ,当思来之不易”的标语挂在香聚堂;“好好学习,天天向上”的横幅贴在教室里……显性的校园文化指导大家的行为,明确指出了我们应该做的或不应该做的,这也是校园文化的另外一种表现形式。






——高558班 邢翔鹏






扬帆远航 逐梦未来















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