雪舞银装烟袅起 冬日校园亦清欢
Published:2024-01-25 09:53:33    Text Size:【BIG】【MEDIUM】【SMALL


装烟袅起 冬日校园亦清欢冬天的笔触是简洁的,也是深邃的,沉静的线条与素雅的着色,像浓烈的酽茶,给人深沉而隽永的回味。枯朽的枝丫与凋零的枯叶宣示着冬天的到来,冰冷的白雪奏响了冬的乐章,就在这静谧而又苍茫的天地之间,便是冬的韵味。


"To appreciate the beauty of a snowflake


it is necessary to stand out in the cold."












Winter Trees




All the complicated details


of the attiring and


the disattiring are completed!


A liquid moon


moves gently among


the long branches.


Thus having prepared their buds


against a sure winter


the wise trees


stand sleeping in the cold.




Snow Song




Fairy snow, fairy snow


Blowing, blowing everywhere


Would that I too, could fly


Lightly,lightly through the air




Like a wee, crystal star


I should drift, I should blow


Near, more near


To my dear


Where he comes through the snow




I should fly to my love


Like a flake in the storm


I should die, I should die


On his lips that are warm.




· 关汉卿



























    As if to make up for the entire gloomy autumn, this is winter. However, the first snow of this winter came somewhat hastily. Before snowflakes could establish their foothold on the earth, the bright and warm winter sun anxiously wiped away a few remnants of white, revealing once again the familiar and nostalgic winter land.


    Unlike the winter in the northern snowy countryside, the hometown of winter has rarely been a world of silver covered glass, but often a cold and solemn oil painting interwoven with brown and gray. The brown paint represents the earth, while the gray paint represents the sky. The desolate atmosphere is rendered within this natural world.













The Winter Solstice in the UK is usually on December 21 or 22, which is the shortest day of the year. One of the most famous events is the Winter Solstice Candlelight Festival, where people light candles and light up streets and houses throughout the city, creating a warm atmosphere. There is another special winter solstice custom - "bake apples." This custom stems from an ancient celebration in which people baked apples on the winter Solstice and placed them on doorways or windowsills as prayers good luck and good harvest in the coming year. This custom represents the welcome and hope for the winter, and also symbolizes people's good expectations for the future.









A new brew with green froth,


A little red clay stove.


It looks like snow tonight,


Come for a cup, or no?


In cold weather, three or five friends, cooking tea around the stove, this is probably the people who love tea every winter heart yearning thing!


"On a cold night when guests come to tea as wine, bamboo stove soup boiling red." This is the Song Dynasty poet Du Lei describing a cold night, the host lit the stove to boil tea, tea as wine to serve the line. A cup of hot tea is the best consolation in cold weather. On the small stove, there was a dark fire that could not be extinguished. The water in the kettle was boiling slowly, and a fine mist emerged. The guests sit around, each hand a cup of fragrant hot tea, while drinking tea while talking, very happy!


Have you ever heard of "boiling tea around the stove"?


A pot of tea is placed in the middle, and chestnuts, persimmons and grains are placed on the periphery of the teapot. From utensils to food, fixed match down, with temperament and warmth.


"In Yunnan, roasted tea is also called Baidou tea and Thunder ring tea. Baidou refers to the process of shaking the pot when the tea is roasted, and thunder refers to the sound of pouring water at the end."


Compared with the traditional way of drinking tea, cooking tea around the stove has more relaxed and lazy feeling. "This new way of cooking tea has its environmental value, atmosphere value and emotional value."


It can be said that young people love to cook tea is "drunk weng's meaning is not tea". The fire contained not only the material pursuits of the young, but also their spiritual sustenance.












I have the best vision of the season, is winter. I have the best vision of the winter, is to take a walk in the snowy world.


Wandering in the campus, snowflakes was light and noiseless as it floated down. They fall on branches of trees, on the roofs of houses and on playground. Soon the whole campus will be dressed in white.


I love winter because it shows me the persistence of life. In spite of the cold weather or strong wind , poplars stand tall and stubborn. They always stand by the roadside, watching students and teachers pass by , waiting for the arrival of spring. Many flowers have withered , but the plum blossom can open in a world filled with ice and snow. I can't help thinking of a poem :


"Wintersweet on stretching limbs in the wall's corner


Purely white in blooming shrubs, the cold they defy.


I know your world won't be mistaken for the snow


Your aroma fair carried by the air. Here and there, you spread."


I love winter because it reveals the warmth of human nature. The meaning of the cold, perhaps is to let you find something warmer. An old cleaner , who is in the red clothes , is cleaning the snow on the road. He is just like a ball of fire that warms everyone's hearts. When seeing this , I'm lost in the thought. What is important is not how cold the temperature is , but how warm the people around you are.


"The world has no eternal night , the world has no eternal winter." the Chinese poet Ai Qing once said. Spring comes and summer goes, autumn harvests and winter hides. We have a long way to go.




Winter is an indispensable period for animals to hibernate, for plants to rest, and for our humans to strenghthen bodies and shapen minds. We, being vigorous teens , should embrace its coming and grasp this priceless opportunity  to refresh  ourselves  and to become better persons.









If winter comes, can spring be far behind?











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